I mitt andra inlägg i diskussionen om Metodistkyrkans Generalkonferens 2016 vill jag ta upp en mindre kontroversiell fråga än mitt första inlägg, illafall räknat till antal inskickade förslag. Det finns gott om sådana också och de har (ibland) viktiga poänger. Det ger oss oss också lite andrum efter det första inläggets längd och innehåll.Andra frågan - miljö
Det finns ett antal förslag och tillägg till vår kyrkoordning när det gäller miljöfrågor. Det är bra. Här finner vi några olika förslag till att börja med. Värt att notera är att många inlägg eller förslag är enbart av lokalt intresse för kyrkan i USA. Vidare är många av dessa förslag väldigt långa och kommer således enbart att nämnas i korthet eller inte alls, beroende på vad jag tycker är viktigt.Petition Number: 60679-CA
Amend ¶ 160 as follows:
...Therefore, we join with other Christians in a call to a conversion in our behaviors and attitudes so that we might better act as faithful stewards of God’s creation. (See Pope Francis’ Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home, May 24, 2015.) l Let us recognize the responsibility . . .
- Rationale: Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home was published by Pope Francis May 24, 2015. Adding United Methodist support to this ecumenical witness indicates we too seek conversion to lives as stewards of God’s creation. Personlig reflektion: Många förslag nämner Laudato Si från påven, vilket är intressant.
Petition Number: 60702-CA (gällande §160.D)
Delete ¶160.D: D) Global Climate Stewardship—We acknowledge the global impact of humanity’s disregard for God’s creation. Rampant industrialization and the corresponding increase in the use of fossil fuels have led to a buildup of pollutants in the earth’s atmosphere. These “greenhouse gas” emissions threaten to alter dramatically the earth’s climate for generations to come with severe environmental, economic, and social implications. The adverse impacts of global climate change disproportionately affect individuals and nations least responsible for the emissions. We therefore support efforts of all governments to require mandatory reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and call on individuals, congregations, businesses, industries, and communities to reduce their emissions.
replace with ¶160.D) Global Good Stewardship— We affirm policies that promote clean air, water, and land. Clean water is especially an urgent need throughout much of the Global South. The control of pests that spread disease, such as malaria-laden mosquitoes, is an equally pressing need affecting millions of lives. Christian stewardship requires careful husbandry of all natural resources while safeguarding sacred human life. Thoughtful economic development is necessary to increase the standard of living for hundreds of millions who live in poverty. We encourage cooperation among governments, industries, philanthropies, relief groups, religious institutions, and individuals for the protection of land, water, and air while also protecting human health and promoting global prosperity.
Petition Number: 60710-CA (gällande §160.D)
Amend the Book of Discipline ¶ 160.D) Global Climate Stewardship, as follows:
These “greenhouse gas” emissions threaten to alter are dramatically altering the earth’s climate for generations to come with severe environmental, economic, and social implications....
...Knowing the grave damage that fossil fuels are causing to God’s most vulnerable people and places, we acknowledge that it is wrong to profit from fossil fuel companies, and call all general boards and agencies, all administrative agencies and institutions, including hospitals, homes, educational institutions, annual conferences, foundations and local churches, and all individuals to exclude coal, petroleum, and natural gas companies from their financial investments, and to reinvest in sustainable energy. We therefore also support efforts of all governments to require mandatory reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and call on individuals, congregations, businesses, industries, and communities to reduce their emissions.
- Rationale: To limit climate change, most fossil fuel reserves must stay underground, and we must transition to sustainable energy. Yet fossil fuel industry leaders fund climate change denial and actively resist a sustainable energy transition. Investment in fossil fuels creates a financial incentive to continue an unjust energy system.
Petition Number: 60248-CA-R1029 - Protection of Water
AMEND and READOPT Resolution 1029 - Protection of Water
Personlig reflektion: Detta är ett två sidor långt förslag som i korthet innebär att vi som kyrkan vill värna för och jobba för att världens invånare ska ha tillgång till rent vatten. Bland annat ska vi försöka minska användandet av "bottled water" men vi ska också inte stödja FNs International year of Freshwaters commitment. Rösta "ja", kära delegater.
Petition Number: 60449-CA-R9999 - Climate Change and the Church
Add new resolution to the Book of Resolutions; delete #1031, Resolution on Global Warming, after approval of this new resolution:
The natural world is a loving gift from God, the creator and sustainer, who has entrusted it in all its fullness to the care of all people for God’s glory and to the good of all life on earth now and in generations to come....
...We confess that we have turned our backs on our responsibilities in neglect, selfishness, and pride. And yet Christ’s redeeming and restoring work through his death and resurrection embraces all of creation....
...Human-induced climate change is caused by the emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, for which the strong economies of this world carry the vast responsibility. Those economies that have benefited from fossil-fuel development rightly bear the responsibility to rapidly reduce emissions and support less wealthy economies in their journey toward sustainable and climate resilient development....
...We understand climate justice not simply as an environmental or economic concern but rather as a deep ethical and spiritual concern that the Church must address so that abundant life is ensured for our children and future generations....
...Therefore, we call on United Methodists to: Study the pastoral letter from the Council of Bishops entitled “God’s Renewed Creation: Call to Hope and Action.”...
...Prayerfully explore lifestyle changes as individuals and faith communities that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support a cleaner, healthier future;...
...Advocate for national policies that shift resources, including subsidies, away from high-carbon development and toward alternative, cleaner energy sources. Advocate for a fair, ambitious and binding international agreement to address climate change built on nationally appropriate commitments to both mitigation and adaptation.
- Rationale: Shaped by voices from across the global church, this new resolution names the spiritual and ethical concerns posed by climate change and encourages locally appropriate personal, institutional and civic actions by the church and its members.
Min reflektion
Jag tycker det är viktigt att kyrkan har en aktiv röst i diskussionen om hur vi tar hand om vår natur och miljö. Jag är rätt säker på att vi människor bidrar till att vår natur försämras och att det är till stor del vårt fel att naturen/skapelsen inte mår bra. Vi ser det tydligt i luft-föroreningar och vatten-föroreningar över hela planeten. När det flyter döda grisar i Gula Floden eller är hundratals gånger mer luft-föroreningar i Beijing än det borde vara eller när barn i Ghana plockar isär gamla giftiga datorer för några cent är det läge att inse att något måste göras. Vi kan se hur skapelsen också är under "the Fall".
Jag tycker också det är rimligt att rika länder som bidrar mer till miljöproblemen hjälper fattigare länder och gör mer för att minska sina utsläpp och liknande.
Jag är enig i att vi har ett ansvar för skapelsen inför Gud och att vi inte har lyckats så bra.
Vad vill jag att mina delegater ska göra/rösta
Jag vill att mina delegater ska rösta "ja" för dessa och liknande förändringar/tillägg till kyrkoordningen.-------
Som en liten rolig inblick i hur smått det kan bli och saker som vi INTE borde bruka tid på:
Petition Number: 60553-CA-R9999
Styrofoam Containers
WHEREAS, our Social Principles encourage good stewardship of water, air, soil, minerals, and plants, and
WHEREAS, our Social Principles support food safety, and
WHEREAS, in 2009 our Council of Bishops published God’s Renewed Creation: A Call to Hope and Action, and
WHEREAS, United Methodist Women recently initiated their “Be Just. Be Green” program (http://www.unit, and
WHEREAS, our General Board of Church and Society promotes Economic and Environmental Justice, and
WHEREAS, studies are increasingly showing that styrene and benzene do leach into foods and beverages, and
WHEREAS, producing polystyrene pollutes surrounding air, land, water, and communities, and WHEREAS, Styrofoam continues to amass in landfills and oceans,
Therefore, be it resolved, that United Methodist leaders encourage alternatives to using Styrofoam as food and beverages containers in their local churches.
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